University of Konstanz

Elke Scheer (Scientific Coordinator, WP6 leader, spectroscopic investigation of EF-Trons) is a Professor at the Department of Physics. She is an experimental physicist with expertise in nanoelectronics, mesoscopic superconductivity, low-temperature scanning probe methods and transport spectroscopy. 

Further information: Mesoscopic Systems

Angelo Di Bernardo (WP1 leader, materials growth and EF-Trons fabrication/characterization) is an Associate Professor of the Department of Physics and Sofja Kovalevskaja research group leader. His fields of expertise include growth and synthesis of a variety of materials (metal and metal-oxide thin films, 2D materials, molecules), device nanofabrication, low-temperature transport, superconductivity and magnetism, spectroscopy techniques (muon spectroscopy, X-ray magnetic circular dichroism, scanning tunneling microscopy). 

Further information: Superconducting spintronic and quantum devices

Wolfgang Belzig (theory support) is a Professor of the University of Konstanz. He is an expert in mesoscopic and nonequilibrium superconductivity, quantum transport, noise phenomena in transport, nanoelectromechanical systems, quantum field theoretical many-body methods of nonequilibrium phenomena. 

Further information: Quantum Transport


Francesco Giazotto (WP4 leader, development and characterization of EF-Tron-based circuits) is a research director at the NEST Instituto Nanoscienze of CNR in Pisa. He coordinates as Principal Investigator research activities in the fields of mesoscopic superconductivity, coherent caloritronics, electronic refrigeration, ultrasensitive quantum magnetometry, superconducting spintronics, and quantum transport in hybrid systems at ultralow temperatures. 

Further Information: Superconducting Quantum Electronics


Mario Cuoco (WP2 leader and theory support) is a CNR researcher and deputy director of the CNR-SPIN in Salerno. His research activity deals with theoretical investigation of quantum systems with competing ordered phases, modelling and computation of electronic, magnetic and transport properties of correlated systems, unconventional superconductivity, topological phases, superconducting-magnetic heterostructures, and spectroscopic response (including X-ray advanced probes). 

Further Information: CNR-SPIN

Antonio Vecchione (single crystals growth) is a researcher at the CNR–SPIN Institute, Salerno and leader of the MUSA (Multifunctional Material Synthesis and Analysis) group within the CNR-SPIN Institute. His research activity focuses on superconducting and magnetic perovskite oxides, growth of single crystals and their characterisation by electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques.

Further Information: CNR-SPIN

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Szabolcs Csonka (EF-Trons fabrication and characterization) is an associate professor and deputy head of the Department of Physics at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). His range of current research interests and fields of expertise include superconducting hybrid quantum electronics and novel approaches to spintronics, novel topological superconductivity, superconducting-hybrid quantum dot based devices, proximity superconductivity in semiconductor nanowires, exotic superconducting states in Van der Waals heterostructures. 

Further Information: Nanoelectronics research lab

University of Geneva

Andrea Caviglia (Terahertz spectroscopy and out-of-equilibrium effects) is a professor at the University of Geneva where he leads the research group “Designer Quantum Materials." His main research interests include the study of the electronic properties of quantum materials in and out of equilibrium, through a variety of experimental probes, including electrical and thermal transport at the nanoscale, ultrafast dynamics, x-ray and optical spectroscopy.

Further information: Designer Quantum Materials

Chalmers University of Technology

Simone Gasparinetti (WP3 leader, dynamic response of EF-Tron devices) is an assistant professor in the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2) at Chalmers, and a principal investigator of the Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology (WACQT). He is an expert in the fields of quantum information science with superconducting circuits, microwave quantum photonics, hybrid superconductor-semiconductors quantum systems, and quantum thermodynamics.

Further Information: Quantum Technology Laboratory


Oleg Mukhanov (WP5 leader and integration of EF-Trons-based with CMOS-based circuits) is one of the co-inventors of Rapid Single Flux Quantum (RSFQ) logic - the dominant superconducting digital technology and the basis for current digital and mixed-signal superconducting electronic products. He is also the current chief technology officer and co-chief executive officer of SeeQC. Mukhanov has initiated and led many projects in the fields of superconducting digital, memory, mixed-signal and analog electronics from fundamental research up to successful technological product development.

Further information: SEEQC

Marco Arzeo (design and integration of EF-Trons-based with CMOS-based circuits) is a senior researcher in Quantum technology and Manager of SeeQC-EU Lab in Naples, Italy. He is an expert in the fields of design, fabrication and testing of superconducting devices and circuits, quantum device characterisation and development of advanced quantum measurement infrastructure and methods.

Further Information: SEEQC